What is an OPG x-ray?
To begin with, the OPG x-ray is one of the crucial diagnosis tools used in dentistry and routine dental checkups.
It’s a type of x-ray that provides dentists with a quick, convenient & panoramic view of the entire dental situation within and around a person’s jaw.
How do OPG x-rays work?
The working of the OPG x-ray is based on the same principles as regular x-rays.
The scan procedure involves you resting your chin on a small chin rest in front of the x-ray machine and biting softly on a sterile mouthpiece while pressing your tongue against the hard palate. You will be asked to maintain maximum stillness during the scan for ensuring clear images.
Prior to the x-ray, you will be asked to remove any glasses, jewellery, hearing aids and dentures you may be wearing. The scan procedure is swift & pain-free with zero side effects and done within few seconds.
When do you need an OPG x-ray?
When it comes to dental health, it’s best to diagnose issues at the earliest possible time to avoid potential worsening resulting in chronic problems. This is where OPG x-ray proves important as it helps dentists acquire a comprehensive understanding of a wide range of dental conditions.
OPG x-rays may be carried out to diagnose or monitor:
- Cavities within teeth
- Fractures
- Jaw dislocation
- Infection
- Tumours
- Sinuses
- Teeth impaction
OPG x-rays may also be conducted to help plan orthodontic treatment, identify and evaluate wisdom teeth development, and attain a brief overview of a person’s dental health.
What does OPG x-ray show?
The OPG x-ray shows a flattened ear-to-ear 2D view of a person, enabling the capture of images from varied angles for monitoring dental health & diagnosing potential issues. The structures apart from the viewed area are blurred.
OPG x-ray is a vital dental diagnosis tool that has expedited the age-old slow dental diagnosis process by offering dentists instant access to images, thus allowing them to start diagnosis straightaway.
If you are looking to get an OPG x-ray done for you or any of your family members, then feel free to get in touch with us at Clinico!
We provide convenient OPG x-ray service at our state-of-the-art diagnostic centre in Mulund West, which is equipped with world-class infrastructure and offers quick & precise reports.
Schedule Your OPG X-Ray Today! Contact us 24×7 on 9504555555.
You may need an OPG x-ray to diagnose or monitor dental health issues, plan orthodontic treatment, detect & assess wisdom teeth development, and evaluate your overall dental health.
An OPG x-ray helps detect teeth cavities, fractures, jaw dislocation, infection, tumours, sinuses, tooth impaction, etc.
Preparing for an OPG x-ray generally involves taking off glasses, jewellery or other accessories you may be wearing.
Klages, Ulrich, et al. “Dental esthetics, orthodontic treatment, and oral-health attitudes in young adults.” American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 128.4 (2005): 442-449.