What are the necessary diagnostic tests for dengue?
What is Dengue? Dengue is a deadly viral infection that is spread by mosquitoes. The dengue virus is transmitted to humans through a particular species of mosquito named the female Aedes aegypti mosquito. This mosquito species is generally found in areas with tropical and subtropical climates. What are the symptoms of Dengue? The well-known symptoms of Dengue are: Sudden high fever Severe headaches Nausea & vomiting Eye pain (usually behind the eyes) Fatigue & Rash
What are the 7 diagnostic tests which are used in common?
What do Diagnostic Tests mean? Tests that are conducted to help diagnose a disease, injury or health condition are termed as diagnostic tests. They help determine the presence of disease or injury to further plan the course of treatment. There exist a large number of diagnostic tests for different diseases which are conducted in diagnostic centres & hospitals worldwide. With the help of these tests, doctors are able to view the functioning of internal organs,
What is Hypothermia and how to prevent it?
What does Hypothermia mean? Hypothermia is a potentially fatal health condition which involves a person’s body temperature dropping substantially below the normal range of temperature. This generally happens in very young & elderly individuals when their body gets exposed to cold temperatures for an extended period of time. What causes Hypothermia? In simple terms, hypothermia takes place when a human body loses heat much more quickly than it’s able to generate it. The main causes
5 Effective Tips to Prevent Dengue

5 Effective Tips to Prevent Dengue

Posted on June 9, 2022
What is Dengue? One of the fatal viral diseases that humans can get infected with, Dengue is transmitted to human beings by a specific mosquito species called the female Aedes aegypti mosquito. It’s a hugely infectious disease that causes severe fever, headaches, significant muscle & joint pain, pain in the eyes and whole body. What causes Dengue? A person gets infected with Dengue when he/she is bitten by an infected Aedes mosquito. Once the dengue