Hearing news of growing swine flu infections? Concerned about getting infected with it?
Through this blog, we attempt to answer various common queries related to swine flu, including what is swine flu, how does it spread, is swine flu contagious, etc.
Let’s begin!
What is Swine flu?
Also referred to as the H1N1 virus, swine flu is a highly contagious viral infection that originated from pigs and has the potential to lead to large-scale infections.
It first came into the limelight in the year 2009 when it became a global pandemic. A large number of people across the world experienced swine flu symptoms like cough, sore throat, fever, chills, etc., with many succumbing to the disease due to a lack of appropriate treatment.
Is Swine flu (H1N1) contagious?
Yes, swine flu is a very contagious disease that spreads from person to person via the air in the form of droplets generated by coughing, sneezing, direct contact with saliva, etc.
Notably, the H1N1 virus is able to survive for a brief period of time in the open. Hence, individuals can contract the disease by touching areas with droplets containing germs produced by an infected person.
For how long can Swine flu be contagious?
Generally speaking, the period during which swine flu is contagious in people is around 1 day before the symptoms develop to roughly a week after symptoms materialise. This applies to people who are able to overcome the infection on their own.
In children and individuals with a severe infection, swine flu can be contagious for extended periods, such as a few weeks.
How does swine flu spread?
Swine flu is spread from person to person via saliva & mucus particles, similar to a regular flu infection. An infected person spreads the germs by:
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Touching their eyes, nose or mouth and then touching nearby surfaces
Swine flu is a highly contagious viral infection that necessitates early diagnosis and subsequent proper treatment to ensure a quick recovery. If left untreated, the swine flu symptoms can become severe and lead to death.
Infected individuals must stay indoors while undergoing treatment to avoid spreading the virus and causing widespread infections. Also, getting vaccinated with the swine flu or influenza vaccine helps decrease the risk of severe health complications caused by swine flu.
Experiencing signs & symptoms of swine flu?
Schedule a diagnostic test at your nearest Clinico centre by calling us 24×7 on 9504555555.